The back-of-book-Index is one of the most important and critical parts of your book. Here are some hints you should know about the book Index so you can understand why it is that important :
- The book Index is useful for potential buyers to have a fast look at the book contents and easily check if it covers particular topics they are looking for, to decide if to buy your book or not.
- The index is also useful for book
reviewers who had already bought your book and read it, to easily find and review something they have already read before.
- The index is also useful to researchers to easily look for the topics of their interest in addition to giving them suggestions for related topics to what they are looking for(Cross-references).
So as you can see; an index is not something publishers put at the end of the book because of tradition. It is included to help readers locate important information contained in the text.
Indexes should support all levels of user subject experience. Some are expert with the book title and can easily understand your index topics and reach what they are looking for, but others are novice readers with the book title and may find difficulties if your index topics are hard to be understood till they reach what they are looking for.
In general … Do not make the reader’s job hard. You do the hard part for him, by offering him an easy to use book Index, and let the easy work for him to simply find what he is looking for in your book.
If you’re interested about a helpful way for building and writing the index to your book, then check our program “
PDF Index Generator“. It will help you create and write a professional index to your book, with many editing options available, and many stylish themes available that you could use. You can test PDF Index Generator for Free from
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