Queries help you index all terms found in your book that follow a specific format. In this page we have added many queries that you can download,
import inside PDF Index Generator in order to force Include/Exclude their corresponding terms while generating the book Index.
Please read the instructions of how to use those queries at the bottom of the page,
then download any of the query files below!
Name queries
Below are all the name queries available. Many indexes are based on the last name, first name(Directory style) and middle initial or middle name format. Most of the following queries will generate this format in your index. Each query will help you index names that follow the query format as explained in the tooltip of each query(Just hover on the icon
). Please click any link below to download its query file.
Place queries
Below are place queries that will help you index places having different formats in your book. Each query will help you index words or terms in your book that follow the query format as explained in the tooltip of each query(Just hover on the icon
). Please click any link below to download its query file.
Date queries
Below are date queries that will help you index dates having different formats in your book. Each query will help you index words or terms in your book that follow the query format as explained in the tooltip of each query(Just hover on the icon
). Please click any link below to download its query file.
General queries
Below are all the general queries available. Each query will help you index words or terms in your book that follow the query format as explained in the tooltip of each query(Just hover on the icon
). Please click any link below to download its query file.
How does it work ?
- Download any of the query files from the links above.
- Open PDF Index Generator.
- Click Tools > Settings > Include/Exclude words > Include words.
- Click on ‘ Import categories ‘ and select the query file that you have downloaded.
- Press Ok to apply the changes.