Indexing services

We have received many requests from our customers asking if we have professionals who can do the index for them. Most of those requests were from authors who want to save time, effort, and let a professional do the indexing job for them. We have accepted some book indexing jobs to have a chance to test our program in indexing books through real time jobs. This has helped us maintain our program, find its glitches and make it more user friendly through the last couple of years.

Since those indexing requests have increased lately we have decided to handle those book indexing requests in a more professional way, and in November 2015 we have started our book indexing services department.

Why should I hire you?

  • Our experienced professionals have indexed many books. Since our start in 2015 we have indexed more than 200 books till now. Here is a list of some of our indexed books that were published. Most of those books are found on Amazon. You can click any thumbnail below to check the book online:

  • Most of our customers return back when they have new books to index, after their first job was done well.

  • We use “PDF Index Generator” for all our indexing jobs. That assures fast delivery with professional index done, and no mistakes occur.

  • Our prices are very competitive. We have indexed many books for prices less than $300.

  • Our delivery dates are very competitive too 🙂 .. We can finish an index in one week, depending on the book size and content.

How do I start?

  • Just contact us, and mention the details of your book. Sharing your book or a sample of it with us would be so helpful.

  • We will then email you in less than 24 hours with our offer; cost and time estimation. We will also tell you our plan of work.

  • If you accept our offer we will send you a 30% fund invoice to process it.

  • We will then start our work, deliver it in time, then you will have 3 days to review it and ask for any changes in the index content, format or styling.

  • Finally we will send you the remaining invoice to process it.

Index Samples:

You can preview/download any of the real samples below to check our indexing work for our customers.
Download index sample
Sample 1
Download index sample
Sample 2
Download index sample
Sample 3
Download index sample
Sample 4
Download index sample
Sample 5
Download index sample
Sample 6
Download index sample
Sample 7
Download index sample
Sample 8
Download index sample
Sample 9
Download index sample
Sample 10